Question title

How do I retain copyright?

FAQ Answer


The easiest way to retain your copyright is to modify the agreement supplied by the journal publisher.

  • SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) has created an author's addendum that can be attached to the journal publisher agreement. For a copy of this addendum and more info on retaining copyright go to
  • UC's Office of Scholarly Communication has provided techniques and sample publishing agreements to assist authors in retaining certain copyrights. At a minimum, the Office suggests transferring copyright but reserving some rights. But, ideally it suggests keeping copyright and transferring limited rights.

Alternatively, you can submit your articles to a publisher with enlightened copyright policies. The SHERPA Publisher Copyright Policies and Self-Archiving page summarizes publisher policies. "Green" publishers have the least restrictive copyright policies allowing authors, among other things, to submit to pre- and post-print servers.

Topics (1)

  • Copyright
  • Answered By: Donald Barclay
    Last Updated: Apr 25, 2016    Views: 71