Question title

How do I make a Library research guide visible to students in CatCourses?

FAQ Answer


Course and subject research guides are available for each program and discipline (e.g. ECON, BIO) in CatCourses using the "Library Research Guide" LTI.  However, a guide is not visible to your students until enabled to your course's navigation.

Enable a "Library Research Guide" course or subject guide with these easy steps:

  1. In your course site, click Settings.
  2. Select Navigation.
  3. Click the three dots to the right of “Library Research Guide” and select Enable OR drag "Library Research Guide" into the Navigation menu.
  4. Scroll down and click Save.

To request a custom guide for your course learning outcomes, please submit the Custom Research Guide request form and a research librarian will respond within two business days.

For more information see Campus IT's article on "Enabling Hidden LTI Tools".


Topics (2)

  • Faculty
  • Tech
  • Answered By: Bronwen Maxson
    Last Updated: Jan 29, 2025    Views: 660